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Drawing is a fundamental thing within my practice. Drawing can be a sketch, a thought for something more final. Drawing can be final in itself. Making large scale drawings 2 m x 2 m is a time consuming activity. The subject matter again I suppose - is a search... "Looking for strength in fragility".

Cultural night of Copenhagen

This is a short film showing a project made for the Cultural Night of Copenhagen. A lot of old stuff, trashed clothes and items, becomes poetic - and in a way is being reconsidered, by putting it behind a screen and inviting people to play with it. The trashed and ugly colored details of the items are being replaced by knife-edge sharp black and white. There is a certain forgiveness to whatever is worn out. - A "looking for strength in fragility".

Book: Sublime 25

Sublime 25 is a book about 25 out of Worlds 50 best restaurants. It contains articles and photographs from some of the very finest restaurants in the world - amongst them, Noma in Copenhagen.
Illustartions by Lisbeth van Deurs.
The book Sublime 25 was shortlisted for the international Gourmand prize of best books 2015 and won the second prize.


248 pages. 24 x 32 cm.


The Mobile Balance

The Mobile Balance sculpture has been made especially for the Main Cathedral of Copenhagen, Vor Frue Kirke as a part of 2015 European Cathedral Conference this year hosted by Denmark.The sculpture looks robust, yet has a delicate balance. 12 plates with words like love, courage, faith and more, where the participant can write something personal on a white bean and place it on one of these plates and notice how every little weight changed the being -the body of the sculpture.


The congregation is quietly invited to accept the responsibility of carrying a small, white, fragile egg through the church, and to place it in a nest in front of the alter.

The event is meant to be a simple, yet symbolic act, leading ones thoughts onto future, fragility, fertility, and more.
By asking everyone to individually carry and protect an egg on this short journey, and to leave it safely in the nest, everyone, hopefully, will get a personal feeling of responsibility and humility.
Should anyone be so unfortunate as to drop an egg, there is even a point to be taken in this.

Prize Sculpture

Den Danske Spiseguide 
De seneste 17 år har Lisbeth van Deurs leveret de årlige nominerings og vinderpriser, som hun også har skabt.


Visual creator of the Prize.
This year Den Danske Spiseguide (The Danish Michelin Guide) will be celebrating their 40 th aniversary. Finest dining in Denmark. Throughout the past 17 years Lisbeth van Deurs has made the annual nominating and winning prizes of this event.

Lisbeth van Deurs is also the visual creator of The Nordic Prize, an annual Prize given to The finest restaurant within the Nordic countries.

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